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About me

I am a doctoral student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison. My primary field of research interest is in social movements and relational communication as well as development studies and political economy. I studied Advertisement and Public Relations in the premier Indian Institute of Mass Communication.

Research Interest
I am curious and excited about the role of the community media as the voice of the under-privileged in developing and under-developed nations. Interesting research opportunities are waiting to be explored in the juxtaposition of my academic interest in Mass Communication and Economics, professional interest in radio broadcasting & grassroots media, and personal interest in social activism.

Teaching Interest
I am currently a Teaching Assistant of course Journalism 201: Introduction to Mass Communication in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, UW- Madiosn. I try to use innovative methods to ensure that the students understand the concepts introduced in the lectures. Techniques used include discussion sessions, educational games, creation of Mock Class Radio Station, Class Daily News Google Document, ‘Taboo’ Revision Game etc.

Professional motivation
Someone once told me that the difference between dreams and accomplishments is purely desire. All my life I slogged and I dreamt of having a successful career in mass communication through which I would spread the message of social upliftment throughout all stratas of society. I have realized that hard work, resourcefulness, commitment, speed and accuracy are just a few of the characteristics necessary to succeed and I have taken special care to hone them.
